The Girls Club Episode #1 "Home and Hearth: Why Is It Important?"
Why is Home and Hearth important? Watch this video to find out!
Join us about a discussion on Home and Hearth and the importance of maintaining t
his for not just our own selves but for our children and their futures.
Woman need to take back the sacred healing arts and stop conforming to the society that is gearing us towards the trait of in-authenticity. There must be a balance of the natural healing arts and the intervention of man's intuition.
Home and hearth is dying concept within not just the community at large, especially with the woke type agendas that discourage connections, but within the mind of the individuals. As a community men and woman need to understand and bring back the traditional values of the home and hearth so as to push back the wave of those that would create a Brave New World. Developing the strengths of the inner individuals that create the healthy home and hearth will naturally develop the strengths of the external concept of it. When we allow the concept of home and hearth to go un-nurtured in our environment then this concept will go extinct. And it is a speeding train straight into the death of what makes us humans who are connected to Spirit.
Let's start with stating the difference between the inner self and the external self. And how the feminine and masculine aspects operate within the two separate states of being. There is the inner self and has both the feminine and masculine aspects of creation balanced within the individual. These individuals are manifesting within the physical realm and depending on how that individual manifests (as this is a form of creative expression of Spirit ultimately and how the individual chooses it's parameters for the experience in the physical realm) will be how the expression will operate; either in a dominate masculine physical expression or a dominate feminine physical expression.
All woman have both masculine and feminine aspects within themselves. All men have masculine and feminine aspects within themselves. This is the inner workings of the individuals who are operating in the physical realm. Developing these aspects of ourselves is a key ingredient to being a structurally sound individual. For each individual who taps into this process it is a unique and private experience. And all people go through this process no matter what they think, feel or do in regards to their conditioning. Nature combined with Spirit is in operation here working in the way reality works without any real interference from our physical expressions even if we choose or are too disconnected to understand it. This is Law. Reality does not need us to understand this process as it works this way on its own in the background; like gravity holding us to the Earth, Spirit holds us to the Law. And we develop no matter if you are aware of this process or not. All thoughts, emotions and actions (whether beneficial or not) change who, what and how we are in the larger scale of reality. The development of the inner self is of utmost importance if we are going to keep our humanity intact.
Now that that is cleared up we are going to talk about the external aspects of the masculine and feminine aspects, the natural expressions that come from them (if people are being truly honest with themselves) and the importance of the roles we play in the place we are currently meant to be operating in.
Spirit (God, Source, That Which Set All Things Into Motion) is a creative force of nature by automatic, natural compulsion. It does this without doubt, fear, hate, judgment, resentment, etc. It operates through love as this is how all authentic art is created. And everything we see in reality is an artistic expression of Spirit. Whether this is happening through automation of nature or through the thoughts, emotions and actions of the physical manifestation of living creatures.
If this is true, then that means that in the physical realm men and woman (and the rare percentage of people who are born as hermaphrodites) are all the natural formation of this expression. And each expression enacts equal but specifically different roles in the physical. Men have one role to play. Woman have another role to play.
Woman are the inspiration, the muse, the push behind the Men who are the embodiment of organized structure and action. Woman are the receptacles for the building of home and hearth while the Men are the force of stability and security. Both are equal and important for the balance that keeps this so, however the roles are still different by natural compulsion. If woman are the inner hearth and heart of the home then men are the external home and stability. Both these roles are equal to each other, though being different in the actions that are produced, and should be valued as true spiritual equality within the mind using thought and emotion. Balance the thought, emotion and action within the self and the natural unfolding of the home and hearth will be a balance of the thought, emotion and action within the external, physical environment.
We go a lot by instinct in the physical realm. When we are really listening to the Higher Mind within us and what our Heart and Gut are trying to communicate to us we find ourselves embodying the most authentic parts of ourselves. This is a language of the soul. No one can be taught this, it must come from reconnecting to the inner, most authentic part of the individual.
When we are allowing others to control this natural compulsion we find ourselves fractured and without structure. We develop fear when we should develop love. Fear rules over all we think, feel and do and this is used as a tool to destroy who and what we really are, that is, an artistic, physical bi-product of Spirit. Only physical man can destroys the physical life of man, but fear destroys the soul and our connection to Spirit.
My solution to this is to take back, however difficult that may seem, our true power and the potential that we have to use that power. Our souls are creatures of Spirit and can create all things in reality. We are the gatekeepers to our own futures. And the future is an ever changing, always in motion, forever development of expression. That includes how we operate our inner and our external realities. With this knowledge, just think about the possibilities this opens up to us. Every door is open. Consider carefully about which doors you choose to walk through.
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